viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012


this is the Israelian flag!

most common food (delicious i'm dead sirous)



this are just some examples if you want know more visit this link:


visiting time

A few members of my family came to Israel, it was one of the best weeks cause I really missed them!
My grandmother, my grandfather, my brother and my cousin came all the way from Uruguay to Israel to discover this amazing country and to visit me as they heard I was home-sick! They are like the best family ever, I love them so much!
Here are some pics we took during the trip:

here we are my cousin and me riding camels!!
Isn't this photo really cute??! We are in what it's left of the TEMPLE, in front of the Kotel, remember a talked about it on my first post??

Anthem of Israel


it's really cool, check it out!

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

Ordinary day??

Welcome back lovely readers!! As you all must imagine this trip never gets boring, it's all about surprises improvise, and be spontaneous to have fun. I'd describe to you guys a normal day in this reality, but to speak truth I can't, as we don't have ordinary days over here!
I'll try to resume a normal day to give you an idea of my normal rutine. First we try to get up at 8:00 am to attend our first class. For me it's like Mission: Impossible, so if I try my best I go early to my second period. After this, we have recess, then two other classes (which are surprinsingly interesting!). Just right after our 4th period, we go to the cafeteria, this is just a formality as the food they give us can't be eaten. I'm serious, it's the most horrible "food" I have ever tried, so we head to the cantine to buy some cookies or sandwiches (we are starving help us!! just kidding, but I miss home-cooked meals a lot).
In the afternoon, we have informal education. For example, we visit museums, different cities, or just hang out in groups creating discussions, playing games or just chilling. Then we have dinner, in the fearfull cafeteria :(.
Finaly, everyone gets back into their rooms, have showers, relax a little bit and we get ready to PARTY!!

I konw, I know my life here is awesome, it's really painful to think all this ends in just a few months! But I won't think about this now, I'll enjoy every second of it!


Top two stops

Welcome back lovely readers!! I apologize for my abscence, but you must understand I'm having the time of my life over here! As you all may know, and if you don't cause you're new WELCOME, I am now living in Jerusalem capital of Israel, with 200 other teen agers!
Today, I'll write about the best stops we went to this week. First, we went to the Holocaust museum. I must say, museums are not my thing as I thought it would be boring, but it proved me wrong. It was actually the most interesting museum I have ever visited. The best part of it, was the end.We entered in a white room and the walls were written with the name of the victims and their photos. In top of that, the floor was made of glass and under it there were thousands of shoes which were owned by the victims. It was a really emotional moment, it's amazing the effect that an ordinary piece of clothing can create.
Also, this week we visited the BLIND MUSEUM. It's the most fun museum ever! it's mind-opening, and helps you feel the way blind people feel. It's a dark museum where you can't see anything! You have to use your other senses to move around the museum, discover and comunicate.
As you all can see, I'm having a really great time, and this trip gets better and better as days go by. Don't be jealous!!


Image of the last room.

domingo, 29 de abril de 2012


This irrealistic trip has just started, and some of my friends say: the beginning wans't as good as expected. Of course I totally desagree with them as the first day of this gap year has been completely amazing!!! I can't wait to tell you guys about every single experience and write about it in this blog! But get your standars lower lovely readers as it's my first one, yes I'm an amateur.
Right after our plane landed ( btw endless flight), we went straight to our new home: an enormous building which hosts aprox 200 other travelers. They all have the same goal, ideas, and are the same age as me. But I haven't told you the best part yet: they all come from different walks of life like: Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Usa, England, and many more!
The very first day we went to the ONLY element which still remains of the Second Temple " The Kotel". I know some think it's just a wall, but I want to prove you wrong: as it's a symbol of my religion, identity and culture. And as the tradition settles, we all wrote 3 wishes in a paper and stuck them on the wall. It was a very emotional moment we all shared and a great way to start this trip!
To sum up (I don't want to bore you) the beginning of this trip was breathaking. I'm sure this will be a one's in a lifetime experience! I will try to write everything down in this blog and I also expect feedback from YOU :) you can coment or simply e-mail me (